ESAM 4500 general alarm

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  • ESAM 4500 general alarm

    Hello, coffee people - im new in this forum, but i see how it great is, so after searching for help on the WEB i came here.
    I have one problem - mine coffee machine ESAM 4500 has failed. When i plug in on the socket i got GENERAL ALARM message, not the gear test firs - how it should be - but ALARM.
    so, i checked all the components inside:
    hall sensor of the gear is OK
    thermal sensor IFD is OK
    thermal sensor of HEATER is OK
    grinder is OK
    pump is OK
    U boiler is OK
    thermostats is OK
    so... i checked most everyting....

    and when switch machine into test mode - i pass all test - it seems there is no problem, every test i do is SUCSESFULL but i understant that before this - it was infusers prblem - and the machines computer somehow has written the error in MEMORY, so it is frozen now - NO LIFE>....... please, can anyone HELP MEEEE???? :1f622: :1f622: :1f622: :1f635: :1f635: :2639:

    is there any way to reset the MICROCHIP or what? cause i dont want imediatly buy NEW POWERBOARD...

    sorry, that im writing not IM DEUTSCH, - in english it is easyer to me :1f602: cause im not GERMAN.
  • I got the exact same problem as @mandabalu and was frustrated to find that I could not find an "easy" fix without programming the PIC micro.
    In test-mode, every actuator worked fine (even the infuser motor) and like @mandabalu I measured all sensors.

    I remembered that before I got this problem, the machine wanted me to push "next" and "change" concurrently to move the infuser. This actually caused the problem in my case since it was mechanically blocked (I assembled the machine incorrectly). I fixed the mechanical fault but I would still get this "general alarm" problem and this is the only thread I found where the gear tests would not start.

    Since next+change made the machine move the infuser when it was not in the general alarm mode, I decided to push next and change while powering up the machine. This started to move the infuser like the normal self-test again and afterwards the machine was working fine again!

    I hope that I helped anyone finding this thread that has the same problem.
  • Thanks for your post, that`s very interesting. The next time, i have a machine with this problem, i will check it :1f44d:
    Did you press both button together, hold it and then you turn the machine on?
    Gruß Stefan
    Wo ist das Problem, bei Anfragen Groß-und Kleinschreibung/Punkt und Komma zu beachten? So was fällt bei mir unter Höflichkeit.
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